New Works
At Luminous, we LOVE a good story. If you’re a TEEN playwright with an original play, share it with us for the opportunity to have your work produced. Read the guidelines below, then email your original script (or a link to it) to us at [email protected]. We will not share your work.
Guidelines for submissions:
Your script must be between 10 and 60 minutes long. (Depending on the text, a page equals approximately one minute of stage time.)
Your script should be formatted in a traditional, easy-to-read style. There are multiple ways to do this, but pick one and be consistent.
Your script should include a title page, a list of characters, and a list of scenes (if applicable).
Your script must include at least 1 character but no more than 8. If possible, smaller roles should be able to be doubled (play multiple parts in the script).
Your script should focus on the story. The words and characters are the most important aspects. Keep everything else minimal (this means minimal costumes, props, sound, lighting, special effects…everything!).
Your work should be about the authentic teen experience. Write what you know! What is important for adults to understand about your life/your worldview? What unique perspective can you offer the audience?
Most importantly, your script must be your original work!
Questions? Email info@luminoustheatreensemble.